Clinic growth

It’s been a while since I wrote something … and suddenly we’re (just over) half way through the year. How did that happen? So many people are commenting on how fast time is flying but maybe that’s just our age. I took my dad (on his 89th birthday) to visit beautiful Kalzie Gardens and we caught 30 mins of sunshine on a bench outside the greenhouse, which was a wonderful treat. All the plants looked like they were growing and thriving despite the cold Spring and constant rain.

My fledgling acupuncture clinic is also doing well, I’m very happy to say. Lots of patients comment that they have been looking for acupuncture for a while and are pleased to see it now being offered in Peebles. I should be expanding to two days per week after the summer so I can offer a greater choice of days and times, making it easier for people to get to appointments.

Patients’ complaints/issues often come in batches. Earlier in the year, I welcomed many hay-fever sufferers and currently I’m seeing quite a few folk with anxiety and shoulder pain (not both together). Having experienced three years with a frozen shoulder, I can empathise with the latter and I can definitely understand peoples’ anxieties in our current unsettled times.

If you are not sure whether acupuncture could help you, please just email and ask. I’ll always be honest about what to expect and what can be achieved. In the meantime, let’s enjoy watching the plants grow and make the most of every bit of warmth and sunshine that comes our way.
